about the author

A Little Background

Thanks for stopping by!

I draw my stories and characters from a diverse business and personal background. I owned a national antique and art appraisal business for many years. I left that industry and opened two yoga centers, where I taught yoga and certified yoga instructors. I have traveled extensively throughout the world, and live in Huntington Beach, California, with my husband, Tom, a former California Senator and our boxer dog, Kelly, who was named for my first cozy mystery book, Kelly’s Koffee Shop!

An avid reader, I bring the richness of my life experiences to my books. I presently am writing in the cozy mystery genre and have a number of series: Cedar Bay, Liz Lucas, High Desert, Midwest, Northwest, Cottonwood Springs, Holly Lewis, Miranda Riley, Chef Dani Rosetti, Gabriella Hunt, The Ozarks, and Clean Sweep. I always have dogs (and a cat or two), food, and recipes in these books.

Dianne and Tom

I Write, He Reads

I’m very fortunate that almost every book in these series has topped the cozy mystery Amazon charts at number one and USA Today has twice named me a Bestselling Author.

The first books I wrote were suspense novels. There were three in the well-received Coyote Series novels: Blue Coyote Motel, a quarter finalist in Amazon’s Breakthrough Novel Award contest, a Goodreads Psychological Thriller and e-thriller Book of the Month, Coyote in Provence, and Cornered Coyote. Other awards include being finalists in the prestigious CLUE awards contest.

I hope you enjoy the read as much as I enjoyed the write!