about the author
A Little Background
Thanks for stopping by!
I draw my stories and characters from a diverse business and personal background. I owned a national antique and art appraisal business for many years. I left that industry and opened two yoga centers, where I taught yoga and certified yoga instructors. I have traveled extensively throughout the world, and live in Huntington Beach, California, with my husband, Tom, a former California Senator and our boxer dog, Kelly, who was named for my first cozy mystery book, Kelly’s Koffee Shop!
An avid reader, I bring the richness of my life experiences to my books. I presently am writing in the cozy mystery genre and have a number of series: Cedar Bay, Liz Lucas, High Desert, Midwest, Northwest, Cottonwood Springs, Holly Lewis, Miranda Riley, Chef Dani Rosetti, Gabriella Hunt, The Ozarks, and Clean Sweep. I always have dogs (and a cat or two), food, and recipes in these books.
Dianne and Tom

I’m very fortunate that almost every book in these series has topped the cozy mystery Amazon charts at number one and USA Today has twice named me a Bestselling Author.
The first books I wrote were suspense novels. There were three in the well-received Coyote Series novels: Blue Coyote Motel, a quarter finalist in Amazon’s Breakthrough Novel Award contest, a Goodreads Psychological Thriller and e-thriller Book of the Month, Coyote in Provence, and Cornered Coyote. Other awards include being finalists in the prestigious CLUE awards contest.
I hope you enjoy the read as much as I enjoyed the write!